2021 Board of Directors Self-Nomination Application


ILCA is pleased to open the 2021 Board of Directors Self-Nomination Application.
Please complete this application to be considered for the open positions on the ILCA Board of Directors. If selected, your 3-year term will begin in July 2021. The Board of Directors Job Description has been linked HERE for your review.
The deadline for applications is 7 June 2021 at 23:59 New York EDT / 8 June 2021 at 5:59 Geneva CEST / 8 June 2021 at 13:59 Sydney AEST. Candidates will receive a message confirming receipt of application and will be notified individually of next steps.
Please note that all information collected will be used by ILCA Staff and ILCA's Nominations Task Force to evaluate applications, contact applicants, and create nominee profiles, if applicable.


If you have any questions regarding the application process, email Aaryn White, Programs Coordinator, at admin@ilca.org.

Contact Information

First Name/Given Name/Forename: *
Last Name/Family Name/Surname: *
Phone Number: *
E-Mail Address: *
Skype Name (If Applicable):
City/Home Town: *
State/Province: *
Country: *

Professional Information

Degrees, Licenses, and Certifications (e.g., IBCLC, RB, MS, MD, PhD): *
Current Work Position(s)and/or Volunteer Work: *

Written Application Questions

Experience and Skills

An individual's perspective and skills can be shaped by their personal and professional experiences. We are interested in learning more about your unique perspectives and skill sets.
1. How have your lactation consultant skills been enhanced by your professional, cultural, and social beliefs? *
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2. Please share your perspective on skilled lactation care and how that has been influenced by your professional, cultural, and social beliefs. *
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Leadership & Governance

We have provided the following definitions for your use:
  • Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act. It is a process of social influence, where efforts are maximized toward achieving a common goal. The ILCA Board of Directors lead and protect the association. We want to learn about your ability to lead people and groups.
  • Governance represents the cultural norms, values, and rules through which public affairs are managed and designed to ensure accountability, transparency, equity, and inclusiveness, and broad-based presence. The ILCA Board of Directors is responsible for effective and efficient governance of the association through their duties of care, loyalty, and honesty.
1. Describe your leadership experience in your work or community, and/or nonprofit. *
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2. Describe your governance experience in your work, community, and/or nonprofit. *
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3. List two specific steps you would take to help lead a global perspective on the Board of Directors. *
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ILCA has a strategic planning process that aligns the efforts of volunteers, staff and Board to our Vision and Mission. Consider your responses as they pertain to ILCA's strategic map, linked HERE.
1. How do you see ILCA evolving? *
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2. Share with us any experience you have developing a strategic plan. *
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3. What is one new way you see ILCA collaborating with local organizations to engage members in your region? *
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Board of Directors guides their efforts with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We have provided the following definitions for your use:
  • Diversity is the portrayal of our varied identities and differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability, and thought.
  • Equity seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to resources for all.
  • Inclusion builds a culture of belonging by inviting the contribution and presence of all people.
1a. Describe your knowledge of the inequities inherent in providing breastfeeding and chestfeeding, and skilled lactation care. *
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1b. How could diversity, equity, and inclusion address these inequities? Please provide to examples. *
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Technical Skills

Please rate your experience with the following:
1. Microsoft Office applications *
2. Comfort with learning new systems and software *
3. Familiarity with social media platforms *

Conflict of Interest and Code Compliance

1. A potential or actual Conflict of Interest occurs when ILCA personnel are in a position to influence a decision that may result in personal or professional gain for themselves, a family member, and/or for a business with which they are closely associated. Please disclose any potential conflict(s) of interest below. *
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2. ILCA adheres to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes and Subsequent WHA Resolutions. Please disclose any partnerships or employment with organizations or companies that do not meet the requirements of the International Code. *
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Curriculum Vitae or Resume

Please attach a copy of your curriculum vitae or resume. *


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